Nostalgia Overload! (Shopping For Retro Toys In Denver)

I've really been making myself get out and about to explore more of the mile-high city lately. I'm a sucker for all things 90's so when I found this retro shop I freaked out! It's called Fifty-Two 80's A Totally Awesome Shop. Upon first walking in I was overwhelmed, to say the least! HOLY NOSTALGIA. It smacks you right in the face in the best way possible. Every turn I was like... I remember this... I remember these... I LOVE IT HERE! It was the definition of a kid in a candy store. The owners of this shop were super cool, kind, and helpful. If you grew up in the 80s or you're watching a lot of "Stanger Things" and want to kind of visit the decade all in one-stop... check this place out. I wound up dropping a pretty penny as expected. My willpower is no match for a place like this. Please take a look at what I picked up that day in this video above.

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