Andrew Tate Detained In Alleged Human Trafficking Raid!

Controversial social media star Andrew Tate was detained today in Romania. Andrew and his brother Tristan were picked up during an alleged human trafficking raid. Whether you want to or not you've probably been seeing Andrew Tate all over your TikTok for you page all year long. He's loved by some for all the same reasons he's hated by others. Regardless of you're thoughts on Mr. Tate there is no denying he's constantly making the headlines for something he says. This time, however, he's making the headlines, not for something he's said but rather for an alleged human trafficking and rape investigation in Romania. See more in the video above. Also, Tate has since tweeted after all this went down. So he's to have been let go right? See that tweet below along with a tweet Andrew retweeted of Elon Musk. What do you make of all this? Thanks for popping by my blog - JR

The holidays may be here but the news isn't stopping! WHAT IS GOING ON!?

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