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This is the Idiot News Network where idiots aren't just in the news, they report the news! Listen to the Idiot News Network for Monday, November 1st, 2021 below!
- Jubal Fresh reported that you might be a billionaire and you don't even know it! Shiba Inu cryptocurrency started as a joke but it's now the ninth-biggest digital coin in the world with a value at 6 billion. In August 2020, a mystery buyer spent $3400 on their share but after the value of the coin sky-rocketed over the weekend, their share now sits at over $1 billion! The thing is, no one knows who the buyer is! Click here to read more about the very valuable Shiba Inu currency HERE.
- Alex Fresh reported from Offended-ville with the most offended group of people not named Karen! Apparently PETA asked the MLB to change the name of the "bull-pit" to the "arm barn" because it's offends the "cow-community". Click here to read more about cows taking offense across the globe.
- English Evan reported on an Amazon delivery driver that got fired after a video showed a "half-naked" women leaving the back of an Amazon truck! The video, currently has over 11.5 million views! It looks like Amazon will delivery just about any package one desires! Click here to read more about this Amazon failure and others like it.
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